Created by Josh Henriques, the Manta Ray is a 7” unducted Quadcopter, designed to carry Naked Black Magic Pocket Cinema Cameras. Optimised for frame resonance and manoeuvrability, this is one of the most nimble and agile Cinelifters in my lineup. It can be rigged up with BMPCC4K and BMPCC6K, allowing to shoot RAW or PRORES footage in up to 6K.
Designed by Cinequads in collaboration with Lumenier, the QAV is the perfect drone to carry BMPCC4k and 6k. The prop-guards allow it to fly in tight spaces, where the Manta Ray might not be suitable. The QAV will therefore be able to fly indoors, close to people, and easily catched in mid-flight for some creative manoeuvres.
Designed by Andy Shen, the Shendrones Thicc is a 7” unducted Octocopter, capable of carrying cinema pro grade equipment, like Red Komodo, Panasonic BGH1, and Black Magic Pocket Cinema cameras. Used in the latest blockbuster movies, this Octocopter is flown in full Manual (Acro) mode, and will be able to fly acrobatic moves like flips and rolls. It can reach a speed of 99mph.
shendrones hydrophobe
The Hydrophobe is another of Andy Shen's incredible designs. Created to dive down waterfalls, surf mountain clouds and fly through snowy paths. This water resistant drone allows you to create some stunning shots. Whether it is filming a car promo in the rain or capturing some unreachable landscapes, this is the ultimate tool for the job.
< 250 gr
Home FPV Micron and Hurricane's designs are designed to comply with the latest drone regulations published by the CAA. They can fly closer to people to create stunning proximity shots, which might include flying indoors, through an actor's legs, or even dive down buildings in the city centre.